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Tips on Living and Eating Healthy

Here are a few tips to help you remain healthy, happy and vibrant.

1. Drink plenty of water. There are many reasons for drinking sufficient amounts of water every day. Adequate water intake prevents dehydration. It flushes out body impurities and toxins. Water is great for making your skin clearer, smoother and younger-looking. It is also good to try and avoid drinking soft drinks and other drinks loaded with sugar.

2. Eat regular meals. Skipping meals can cause hunger pangs and food cravings which can lead to overeating during the day. It can also result in a decrease in blood sugar levels. A good approach would be to eat 4-5 small meals during the day than 2-3 larger ones. It helps control your appetite and stabilize your blood sugar as well.

3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. You have heard this saying plenty of times and it is true. It is recommended that a person eat at least five serves of fruits and vegetables every day. By increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables every day, you significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. They are also perfect substitutes for foods with added sugar that can lead to tooth decay- thus it keeps the doctor and dentist away.

4. Take deep breaths. By taking ten deep breaths daily you are increasing blood circulation around your body, improving your oxygen levels, reducing your stress levels and helping you to feel more relaxed.

5. Engage in physical activity and exercise. Regular exercise can help prevent diseases, reduce weight, improve self-esteem and decrease levels of stress. Exercising can include any activity from walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, playing sports or even practicing other forms of exercise such as yoga or pilates.

6. Maintain a healthy weight. Maintain a body weight that is just right for you. This can depend on a number of factors that should be taken into account such as age, height, gender and heredity. By being too thin, you increase your risk of menstrual irregularities, osteoporosis and other health-related problems. Excess body weight can lead to an increase in the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and other illnesses. Keeping up with regular exercise can also help in maintaining your weight.

7. Use humor and laughter to stay healthy. There are so many benefits to laughing. It helps lower blood pressure, improves brain functioning and relaxes the body. Whether you watch a funny movie or spend time with humorous people, it elevates our mood and makes us feel good. On top of that, laughing is contagious. Laugh and the world laughs with you.

8. Exercise your brain. Exercising your body is great but don’t forget your brain too. Read a book or a magazine that you find interesting or work on a crossword puzzle or two. By doing that, you help stimulate your brain and it improves your memory.